Tapis roulant 10-65 Concasseur mobile à mâchoires MOBICAT MC 125 Z Broyeur à percussionMOBIREX MR 130 Z


  • Founded: 1902
  • Workforce: 100 employees

CLOOS is implementing cutting-edge technologies to provide high quality aggregates, that is essential for the construction and public works sector in Luxembourg. Thanks to its in-depth experience acquired over the years, CLOOS has become the leader in the treatment and recycling of stone materials within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. As a result, since its founding in 1902, CLOOS has enjoyed an excellent reputation for its activities in the construction sector.



  • Exploitation of natural stone quarries:
    – Luxembourg sandstone
    – Dolomite
    – Limestone
  • Exploitation of ArcelorMittal slag heaps (blast furnace).
  • Exploitation of electric arc furnace (EAF) slag.
  • Exploitation of dumps for inert materials.
  • Recycling and valorisation of inert and demolition materials.
  • “SACAL products” in bags and big bags.

Exploitation of Slag heaps

CLOOS S.A. is a partner of ArcelorMittal for the treatment of blast furnace and electric arc furnace slags. These materials, certified by the Luxembourg Road Administration guarantee a constant quality thus meeting the quality requests of the customers.

Exploitation of natural stone quarries

In parallel to the recycling activity of by-products from the steel industry, CLOOS also produces a wide range of natural materials extracted, crushed and screened in four natural stone quarries spread over the countries of the Greater Region. These materials are CE 2+ certified, available in various granulometries and deliverable directly to the customers’ sites.

Solution for inert waste

Thanks to its various landfills, CLOOS offers storage solutions for inert waste coming from the entire construction sector within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. After a strict preliminary check of the quality of inert waste in order to verify compliance with regulatory requirements, the inert material are implemented on our various sites for their final disposal.

Sustainable development

Protecting the environment and sustainable development are important issues for CLOOS. The company’s desire is to ensure high quality production while limiting any possible environmental damage as much as possible. To achieve this objective, CLOOS undertakes to implement the best available techniques, to continually adapt its work equipment to the latest environmental standards and to optimize its production processes in order to reduce energy consumption, and thus gain in environmental efficiency.


Name: HF 0/8
Granulometry: 0/8
Click for details
HF 0/8
Granulometry: 0/8
Operating sites CLOOS S.A.
Esch/Alzette (Terres Rouges)
Contact person
Maier Alain
Chef d'équipe
33, Route de Belval
Boîte Postal 71
L-4024 Esch-sur-Alzette
Schedule: 6:00 - 17:00
Name: Calcaire 0/4 (Roc…
Granulometry: 0/4
Click for details
Calcaire 0/4 (Roche blanche)
Data sheet
Operating sites CLOOS S.A.
Roche Blanche
Contact person
Monville Nicolas
Responsable de site
13, route de Molvange
F-57330 Volmerange-les-Mines
Schedule: 7:00 - 17:00
Name: Quarzite KG 2 0-45
Granulometry: 0-45
Click for details
Quarzite KG 2 0-45
Granulometry: 0-45
Partnership sites
Taben Rodt
Contact person
Wahlen Micheal
Responsable de Vente
Vertrieb Luxembourg Fa.Cloos
D-54441 Taben-Rodt
Name: Grès 0/250
Granulometry: 0/250
Click for details
Grès 0/250
Granulometry: 0/250
Operating sites CLOOS S.A.
Contact person
Hames Alain
Chef chantier
27A, rue Biergerkräiz
L-8120 Bridel
Schedule: 7:00 - 17:00
Name: Calcaire 0/150 T2
Granulometry: 0/150 T2
Click for details
Calcaire 0/150 T2
Granulometry: 0/150 T2
Operating sites CLOOS S.A.
Roche Blanche
Contact person
Monville Nicolas
Responsable de site
13, route de Molvange
F-57330 Volmerange-les-Mines
Schedule: 7:00 - 17:00
Name: Calcaire 45/90
Granulometry: 45/90
Click for details
Calcaire 45/90
Data sheet
Granulometry: 45/90
Operating sites CLOOS S.A.
Roche Blanche
Contact person
Monville Nicolas
Responsable de site
13, route de Molvange
F-57330 Volmerange-les-Mines
Schedule: 7:00 - 17:00
Name: Gros blocs +- 2500 kg
Granulometry: +- 2500 kg
Click for details
Gros blocs +- 2500 kg
Granulometry: +- 2500 kg
Name: Grouine de meuse
Click for details
Grouine de meuse
Operating sites CLOOS S.A.
Contact person
Hames Alain
Chef chantier
27A, rue Biergerkräiz
L-8120 Bridel
Schedule: 7:00 - 17:00
Contact person
Belhis Hakim
Resp. freintes
Z.I. Gadderscheier
L-4570 Differdange
Schedule: 6:00 - 17:00


CLOOS originally established in Maizières-lès-Metz by Félix CLOOS senior in 1902 and relocated to Esch-sur-Alzette in 1921. On the basis of its in-depth experience built up over the years, CLOOS is now Luxembourg’s No. 1 supplier of aggregates for use in road and civil construction. Certified by Ponts & Chaussées, the aggregates display a constant quality, in line with customer demands.

Since its establishment, CLOOS has focused on the exploitation and processing of blast furnace slag, a steelmaking by-product. Working under contracts from ARBED (now ArcelorMittal), CLOOS operates in a range of slag heaps in Luxembourg: since 1921 in Esch-sur-Alzette (the Terres Rouges slag heap), and in Dudelange from 1922 to 1945.

Atfter the Second World War, CLOOS started modernising its facilities in the face of high demand for aggregates for use in reconstructing the buildings and infrastructure destroyed in Luxembourg and the surrounding Greater Region.

Exploitation of the slag heap in Differdange started in 1955 and continued into the 1960s and 1970s, in parallel with the exploitation of the slag heaps of Terres Rouges, Belval and Dudelange.

The steel crisis of the 1970s and 1980s and the progressive closure of blast furnaces caused supplies of slag to dry up, forcing CLOOS to diversify its operations and sources of aggregates:

  • Quarrying: the sandstone quarry in Bridel, the dolomite quarry in Ralingen in Germany (Rabenborner Steingrube), the limestone quarry in Volmerange-les-Mines in France (Roche Blanche SA).
  • Crushing and screening of electric arc furnace (EAF) slag for the construction and civil engineering.
  • Establishment of sales platforms for aggregates from our various partners: Rhine alluvium and sand, Meuse grouine, Moselle gravel, quartzite aggregates, aggregates of quartz sandstone from the quarry in Cielle In Belgium, hard limestone, etc.
  • Development of aggregate packaging activities (big-bags, …).
  • Services for ArcelorMittal.
  • Recycling of materials from demolition sites.
  • Exploitation of inert waste landfills.


Head office address

142, rue de Bridel
L-7217 Bereldange (Biergerkraïz)
Tél.: +352 570373-1
Fax: +352 570373-209

E-mail: info@cloos.lu

Address of our sites

Carrière de Bridel et bureaux
142, rue de Bridel
L-7217 Bereldange (Biergerkraïz)

Site de Terres Rouges
Route de Belval
L-4024 Esch-Sur-Alzette

Site de Differdange
Z.I. Gadderscheier
L-4570 Differdange

Site de Mondercange
Z.I. Um Monkeler, Esch-Schifflange
L-4149 Esch-Sur-Alzette

Site de Roche Blanche
49°27’20.5″N 6°02’53.0″E
F-57330 Volmerange-les-Mines

Site de Rabenborner Steingrube
49°48’10.3″N 6°32’45.7″E
D–54310 Ralingen-Kersch

Our contact persons

Tim Schlink, Administrateur délégué
E-Mail: , Tel.: +352 570373-207

Manon Franssens, Responsable financière
E-Mail: , Tel.: +352 570373-218

Michael Wahlen, Responsable vente
E-Mail: , Tel.: +352 570373-204

Ludovic Donolato, Responsable bascule
E-Mail: , Tel.: +352 570373-221

Christopher Agnus, Responsable Environnement
E-Mail: , Tel.: +352 570373-224

Isabelle Watry, Responsable parc matériel
E-Mail: , Tel.: +352 570373-317

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